Sales and Subscriptions
Learn how to buy and manage subscriptions for Hamina products.
Last updated
Learn how to buy and manage subscriptions for Hamina products.
Last updated
Hamina Network Planner features a built-in quote generation tool, allowing for near-instant quote generation.
Create a Hamina account, or log into your existing account. Note: Be sure to create your account on the correct instance that you and your team need to use. Hamina accounts and purchases do not cross between the EU and US instances.
In Hamina Network Planner, either click the Upgrade button, or navigate to the Subscriptions page.
Click on the Get Quote button.
Click the + buttons to add products, and click the Request Quote button.
Add or review your billing and shipping information. Double-check for accuracy, and click the Send a Request button.
After a moment, the quote will finish generating and will automatically download as a PDF file.
Once you have generated a quote, you'll find it in the Quotes section on the Subscriptions page.
In the Purchase order # column, hover the mouse over the cell and the Edit button will appear. Click it to enter a custom purchase order number. The purchase order number will then appear on the invoice, when it is sent.
To accept the quote and purchase with a credit card, select the elipsis menu on the quote row and select Purchase.
Note: Purchases through the app are only possible with credit card. For invoicing options, contact
Done with wireless projects, and ready to take a break from Hamina? No problem! It's super easy to unsubscribe.
In the drop-down menu, click Subscription.
At the bottom of the page, click on the red Unsubscribe button.
Note: After unsubscribing, your license(s) will be valid until the end of the subscription period.